
Types of audio compressors
Types of audio compressors

types of audio compressors

The unique characteristics of these devices are causing the gain cell to react in ways that could not be recreated until recent times by using modern components. Moving forward the light sensor and the detector control the gain reduction.

types of audio compressors

The first one goes thru the gain stage while the other part is a detector. The construction of the electro optical attenuator is rather simple. There are certain nonlinearities occurring during this process which create an effect that sounds pleasing to the human ear. The basic principle within opto-compressors could be described by saying that electricity (in this case an audio signal) is transformed into light and then into electricity again. Hence, this approach can be used in processing of the audio signal. Years ago engineers have discovered that interesting things occur after playing back and forth between light and electricity.

types of audio compressors

This device is capable of transforming energy from one form to another. In the core of the mentioned compressor lies a transducer. In the first place, a light source in a photosensitive cell controls the gain reduction in a optical compressor. An optical compressor, often called opto-compressor, is a dynamic range attenuator.

Types of audio compressors